14/5/02.**********NO REPRODUCTION FEE***************.PIC:MARC O'SULLIVAN .T h e L a u g h i n g C l u b . ( Y o u c a n n e v e r l a u g h e n o u g h ) . V e n u e : T h e S u g a r C l u b , L e e s o n S t . . D a t e : E v e r y T h u r s d a y f r o m J u n e 6 t h . T i m e : D o o r s 8 p m S h o w t i m e 9 p m . T i c k e t p r i c e : ¨ 1 3 i n c l u d i n g e n t r y t o N i g h t C l u b . . M u r p h y s a n d H e i n e k e n ¨ 3 . 5 0 a pint..Irish comedy is the best comedy in the world according to the Irish Comedy Marketing Board..Anne Gildea and Susan Collins of The Nualas present the finest of Irish comedy in Dublinís premier cabaret venue. Every Thursday they will present a show of guaranteed excellence. Names already booked include Eddie Bannon, Pom Boyd, Ian Coppinger, Brendan Dempsey, The Kevin Gildeas, Deirdre OíKane, Michael Mee, Barry Murphy, The Dublin Comedy Improv, Patrick McDonald, Tommy Nicholson and Jerry Seinfeld (okay the last one hasnít confirmed - yet)..The Laughing Club ñ giving Irish comics the space to be the stars that they are..Contact:.Susan Collins: 01 616 97 55/ 086 82 72 144 email: HYPERLINK "mailto:suecollins@eircom.net" suecollins@eircom.net .Anne Gildea: 01 454 35 96/ 087 2411 384 email: amgildea@eircom.net .